Thursday, July 24, 2008


Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose ten people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you.
PS. Dont tag people I tagged!

1. A goal of mine is to excel in photography
2. I wanna be remembered.
3. I like using Post-its
4. I make a lot of notes to myself.
5. I use my notepad on my cellular.
6. Like most people i would love to travel the world.
7. When it comes to tahitian i have the clap, as well as the bird =\ ahaaaaah
8. I'm always craving ice cream&coffee.
9. I will officially finish my school supply shopping tomorrow and begin back to school shopping (x
10. I want a surprise party for my birthday this year (=
11. The only money i have in my wallet are 4 $2 bills.
12. I drink about 7 bottles of aquafina everyday.
13. I have aero cami's in almost every color.
14. I'm going to Las Vegas this year around my birthday for competition.
15. I'm performing at Water World in concord on August 16th.
16. My mom's new honda is my future car.
- my extra four cuhs joyce said i had to do 20 (x
17. I love sports but i'm incredibly horrible at them OF COURSE
18. it pisses me off when people remind me how long my hair is =\
19. I do the same songs on karoake all the time.
20. This freshman year imma start playing Volleyball and softball.

a greatly planned IM (=
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: LETS DO IT
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: 69
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: sex
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: hot wet sex
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: rofl
[21:46] sshhaanneettee: Lol!
[21:46] sshhaanneettee: Ima do it
[21:46] sshhaanneettee: Haha
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: ahahahahaha
[21:46] ashleyyykai FOO: now ?
[21:47] sshhaanneettee: Now
[21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: me too
[21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: [21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: lets do it
[21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: 69
[21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: sex
[21:47] loomymanure: WTF
[21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: hot wet sex
[21:47] ashleyyykai FOO: ROFL
[21:47] loomymanure: WTF

[21:48] sshhaanneettee: sshhaanneettee: Yuri, you make me green
sshhaanneettee: Lets do it
sshhaanneettee: 69
sshhaanneettee: Sex
sshhaanneettee: Hot wet sex
sshhaanneettee: Wild hot sex
sshhaanneettee: Wet
sshhaanneettee: Lmfao
loomymanure: O_O!!!!!
loomymanure: WTF
sshhaanneettee: I kidd
sshhaanneettee: (:
loomymanure: UM O_O
loomymanure: why did u and ashley just do that to me
loomymanure: rofl

[21:50] ashleyyykai FOO:
[21:48] ashleyyykai FOO: JK
[21:48] ashleyyykai FOO: (=
[21:49] loomymanure: sure
[21:49] ashleyyykai FOO: ahaaah
[21:49] ashleyyykai FOO: naw forreal i keeeeds (=
[21:49] loomymanure: SURE

[21:51] sshhaanneettee: Lol!
[21:51] ashleyyykai FOO: ahahahahah

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